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Give Stocks or Securities

Appreciated Stocks and Securities

Giving stock directly to Agnes Scott may allow you to increase your gift and your tax deduction.

When you give stock shares, you’ll generally take a tax deduction for the full fair market value, which may be more than your original investment. Giving stock may offer a significant advantage over giving cash, or selling your appreciated securities and contributing the after-tax proceeds. Consult your financial advisor and provide them with the following stock information:

Stock Held in a Brokerage Account

Option 1: Electronic Transfer

  • Instruct your broker to transfer shares electronically to 香港澳门资料大全. Our brokerage account is with Truist.
  • After instructing your broker to make the transfer, please e-mail Bret Busch, director of advancement services, at so we can match your name with your gift when it arrives. You can also call him at 800.868.8602, ext. 6105.
  • Please note that it typically takes two or three business days to complete an electronic stock transfer.
  • Stock gifts by electronic transfer are credited to the donor the date the shares are received in the Agnes Scott brokerage account. The gift amount is the average market value on that day.

You may need the following information for the electronic transfer of a stock gift:

Truist Account Name: 香港澳门资料大全
Account Number: 1121956
Participant (DTC) Number: 2039
Account Representative: Beverly Glenn
Telephone: 404.724.3556
Fax: 404.739.3229
Agnes Scott's Tax ID: 58-0566116

Option 2: Transfer by Letter

  • Inform your broker of the type and number of shares by letter.
  • Send a copy of your letter to Bret Busch, director of advancement services, at the address below.
  • We will handle the stock transfer directly with your broker.

Stock Certificates in Your Possession

Write a brief letter of instruction that includes your name, class year, names of stock(s), and the number of shares you are giving.

  • If you have a certificate for more shares than you wish to give, please include your social security number and specific written instructions as to how many shares you are giving and how many should be returned to you. It generally takes four to six weeks for a new stock certificate to be issued in your name.
  • Sign a stock power form. You can obtain a stock power form from your broker or from the office of development. Only your signature is required on the form.
  • Mail the unsigned stock certificate(s) and letter of instruction in one envelope and the signed stock power form in a separate envelope to the office of development at the address below.
  • Email Bret Busch, director of advancement services, at or call him at 800.868.8602, ext. 6105 to let him know the gift is in progress.
  • Your gift date is the postmark date of the later envelope. Your gift amount is the average market value on that day.

Mutual Fund Shares 

Agnes Scott welcomes gifts of mutual funds, but they involve additional steps that can take up to six weeks. The calculations for the gift date and gift amount are the same as for stock held in a brokerage account. To make a gift of mutual funds, please email Bret Busch, director of advancement services, at or call him at 800.868.8602, ext. 6105.

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