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Courses & Requirements

Requirements for the French Major

  • Majors must take a minimum of eight courses beyond French 202
  • Prerequisite coursework (2 courses) for completion of the major: FRE-230 and FRE-232
  • Two courses from the following: FRE-241, FRE-242, FRE-243
  • Three courses at the 300 level
  • FRE-480

Note: FRE-207 and Global Study Tour courses do not count toward the minimum for the major.  Majors are strongly encouraged to study abroad.

Requirements for the French Minor

  • Prerequisite coursework (2 courses) for completion of the minor: FRE-230 and FRE-232
  • Two courses from the following: FRE-241, FRE-242, FRE-243
  • One course at the 300 level

Note: FRE-207 and Global Study Tour courses do not count toward the minimum for the minor.  Minors are strongly encouraged to study abroad.


FRE-101: Elementary French I (4.00)

For students who begin French in college. Introduction to the French language and culture. Three class periods followed by a session of oral practice.

FRE-102: Elementary French II (4.00)

Continuation of 101. 101 and 102 are the equivalent of two years of secondary school preparation.

Course requisites: 101

FRE-201: Intermediate French I (4.00)

Grammar review, oral and written comprehension, reading and composition.

Course requisites: 102

FRE-202: Intermediate French II (4.00)

Continuation of 201 with emphasis on selected readings.

Course requisites: 201

FRE-207: Intermediate French Conversation (2.00)

This course may be repeated once with permission from the department or faculty members designated by the department chair.

Course requisites: 202 with a grade of B- or above.

FRE-230: Advanced Grammar and Composition (4.00)

In-depth review of French syntax at an advanced level and development of linguistic skills necessary for fluent writing in French. Emphasis on composition in various styles and registers. Some practice in translating English to French will be included.

Course requisites: 202

FRE-232: Introduction to French/Francophone Culture (4.00)

Course content will focus on the relationships between sociopolitical change and artistic expression in France and in the Francophone world. Emphasis will be placed on historical development, post-colonial identities, and contemporary cultures. Taught in English.

FRE-241: Survey of French Literature (4.00)

Literary texts from the French-speaking world will be examined in their wider historical, sociopolitical, and artistic context(s). The literary text will be considered as the product of the individual writer who embraces, resists, or refuses his/her/their cultural reality. The French language will be examined as the paradoxical source of both oppression and liberation. The contributions of women and writers of color will be highlighted. Taught in French.

Course requisites: FRE-230

FRE-242: French for the Professions (4.00)

This course will examine linguistic and cross-cultural differences affecting effective communication between American and Francophone speakers in various professions. It will explore professional structures and interactions in the Francophone world. Students will also have the opportunity to discuss their career goals, networking abilities, the language skills needed for professional interactions, as well as the techniques of professional writing (business letters, administrative memos, cover letter and CV preparation, etc.) and interviewing. Taught in French.

Course requisites: 230

FRE-243: French Fashion: Theory and Practice of Haute Couture (4.00)

FRENCH FASHION: THEORY AND PRACTICE OF HAUTE COUTURE--This course will examine France's vast cultural and economic contributions to the global fashion industry, beginning with its definitive origin at Versailles. Topics to be considered will include: the rise of the fashion designer; Paris as a global fashion capital; haute couture and the cultural imaginary; fashion and racism; the economics of "fast fashion"; and fashion in relation to the fine arts and the ethics of consumption. Practical instruction re: career possibilities in fashion will be included. Taught in English.

FRE-345: French Literature and Genre (4.00)

Prose, poetry and theatre will be considered either individually or in relation to one another.

Course requisites: 230 and one 200-level literature course

FRE-355: Topics in Francophone Literature and Culture (4.00)

Francophone literary and other texts will be analyzed with particular emphasis on colonization, decolonization, neocolonialism and nationalism, slavery, marginalization, identity and otherness, language and orality. Specific regions of Francophone production may include Canada, Africa, Europe, the Caribbean and Asia. This course may be repeated when specific content varies. Cross-listed with AS-355.

Course requisites: 230 and one 200-level literature class

FRE-375: French Film (4.00)

Topics in French cinema from avant-garde to the present, with an introduction to film theory. Screenplays may also be studied.

Course requisites: 230 and one 200-level literature course

FRE-396: Topics French Lit & Culture Culture (4.00)

Topic changes by semester, as determined in advance by the instructor and in consultation with the French faculty. This course may be repeated as specific content varies.

Course requisites: FRE-230

FRE-410: Directed Reading (1.00)

Supervised to meet the needs of individual students.

FRE-440: Directed Research (4.00)

Directed research courses are open to junior and senior majors to work with a faculty member on a project related to a particular field of intellectual or artistic interest, or to non-majors who demonstrate sufficient preparation in the discipline. Applications are available in the Office of Academic Advising and must be returned to the assistant dean of the college for approval. A 440 course carries 4 semester-hours credit.

FRE-450: Credit Internship (4.00)

For juniors and seniors who want a more-focused academic component to accompany their internship, the independently designed 450 may be an option. Students must identify a faculty sponsor and complete detailed paperwork for approval from the Office of Internship and Career Development.

FRE-480: Senior Seminar in French/Francophone Studies (4.00)

Independent research in a seminar setting. Before the start of her senior year, the student submits a research topic in literary analysis/theory, cultural studies, or film studies. Upon departmental approval, the student then develops her inquiry into a substantial scholarly essay.

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