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Black Cat

Black Cat is one of the oldest Agnes Scott traditions. Black Cat began in 1915 as a prank night between first-year students and sophomores. It now marks the end of orientation and the official recognition of the new class in the campus community.

Black Cat week begins with the ringing of the bell at midnight and a stampede of students rushing to decorate the Woodruff Quad in their class colors. Black Cat brings a variety of activities throughout the week and ends with a formal dance at popular venues in downtown Atlanta.


  • Midnight decorating
  • Junior Party Day


  • First-Year Party Day
  • Trivia Night


  • Sophomore Party Day


  • Senior Party Day, Evans Hall
  • Bonfire, Alston Front Steps


  • Field Day
  • Community Picnic
  • Song and Dance presentation
  • Junior Production


  • Black Cat Formal
  • Class colors and mascots – Every year, the incoming class is assigned a color to represent it during its time at Agnes Scott. The colors alternate among red, green, blue and yellow. With this color in mind, each class picks a mascot. Traditionally, first-year students try to keep their mascot’s identity a secret until the bonfire, while sophomores try to uncover the mascot and present it beforehand to the school.
  • Decorations – As the bell rings on Black Cat week at midnight Sunday, each class decorates the campus, both Woodruff Quadrangle and a designated floor of Alston Campus Center, with its color and mascot.
  • Sister classes and songs – Each first-year class becomes the sister class of the junior class at Agnes Scott. Red/blue classes are sisters and green/yellow classes are sisters. Each class creates a song representing it and a song showing its love for its sister class. Both are performed at bonfire, as well as Junior Production.
  • Bonfire – Bonfire is a chance for all classes to dress like their mascots, sing their songs and show off their class spirit. Bonfire takes place on the Woodruff Quadrangle on Thursday night during Black Cat week. It is at this event that first-year students reveal their mascot.
  • Field Day – Field Day gives the classes a final opportunity to compete before Junior Production. Field hockey is the main event - class teams learn the rules of the game and practice together during Black Cat week. Students who do not wish to participate directly earn points for their class by showing their spirit on the sidelines!
  • Junior Production and the Black Cat – The junior class writes, directs and performs Junior Production on the Friday of Black Cat week. This play satirizes life at Agnes Scott, as well as campus personalities and administrators in a positive way and with good humor and wit. The entire campus is invited and is seated by class. After Junior Production, the Black Cat is awarded to the class that performed the best during Black Cat week.
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