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Courses & Requirements

Requirements for the Spanish Major

SPA-480 capstone and 28 additional credits beyond 202. Majors must complete eight 4-credit, upper-level courses, of which at least four courses must be at the 300 level. Of the eight courses required for the major, at least four courses must be completed at Agnes Scott, including the senior capstone SPA-480. Spanish majors are required to complete four courses from those offered by department faculty.

Spanish Courses

SPA-101: Elementary Spanish I (4.00)

ELEMENTARY SPANISH I--Fundamentals of Spanish for speaking, listening, writing and reading. Emphasis on proficiency achievement and cultural awareness of the Hispanic world. Not open to students with one or more years of Spanish in high school. All students with more than one year of Spanish are required to take the placement test.

SPA-102: Elementary Spanish II (4.00)

ELEMENTARY SPANISH II--Continuation of 101. All students with more than one year of Spanish are required to take the placement test.

SPA-201: Intermediate Spanish I (4.00)

Grammar review, conversation, listening, comprehension, composition and reading. All students with more than one year of Spanish are required to take the placement test.

SPA-202: Intermediate Spanish II (4.00)

Continuation of 201 including an introduction to the critical reading of literary texts. All students with more than one year of Spanish are required to take the placement test.

SPA-205: Reading and Writing About the Hispanic World (4.00)

Continued study of Hispanic cultures with special emphasis on the development of conversational, written and listening expression in Spanish.

Course requisites: SPA-202 or higher with a minimum grade of C-

SPA-209: Advanced Conversation Through Film (4.00)

The course focuses on short films as the main medium to facilitate discussion of social issues regarding gender equity, immigration, poverty, political violence and race relations. Grammar review and vocabulary building specific to each topic aim to provide students with the tools necessary to communicate effectively and engage in productive dialog.

Course requisites: SPA-202 or higher

SPA-244: Contemporary Short Stories (4.00)

Traces the history and development of the genre with emphasis on examining the elements specific to the short story and the literary devices contemporary writers employ in their craft.

Course requisites: SPA-205 or higher with minimum grade of C-

SPA-307: Spanish Civilization & Culture (4.00)

Important historical events, trends and ideas of Spain from earliest times to the present.

Course requisites: SPA-202 or higher graded C- or above (except SPA-206)

SPA-308: Latin American and Caribbean Civilizations and Culture (4.00)

The study of historical, political, social and cultural aspects that unify Latin America as a region from the pre conquest to the present and an exploration of the diversity within countries and across borders.

Course requisites: SPA-202 or higher graded C- or above (except SPA-206)

SPA-323: Approaches to Literature (4.00)

Presentation of representative Latin American and Spanish texts to foster reading, writing and analytical skills.

Course requisites: SPA-205 or higher with a min. grade of C- (except SPA-206)

SPA-325: Hispanic Cultural Studies (4.00)

Cultural studies combines literature, film, television, art, music and the press in dynamic ways to represent today's society. Disciplines such as gender studies, history, economics and other social sciences can also inform cultural studies. This interdisciplinary approach exposes students to the cultural complexities within Hispanic communities and better prepares them to interact with native speakers once outside the classroom.

Course requisites: SPA-205 or SPA-209

SPA-327: Introduction to the Literature of Spain (4.00)

A historical and thematic introduction to representative works of significant literary movements from the Middle Ages to present-day Spain.

Course requisites: SPA-205 or higher with a min. grade of C- (except SPA-206)

SPA-360: Women & Films of P Almodóvar (4.00)

ALL ABOUT WOMEN ON THE VERGE: WOMEN AND THE FILMS OF P. ALMODÓVAR. Pedro Almodóvar, Spain's best known film maker, has stood the test of time and come to personify the emergence of a revitalized Spanish culture in the wake of thirty-six years of military dictatorship. In fact, many attribute the international prominence of contemporary Spanish cinema to the popularity of his films beyond the borders of his native country. But while few question the significance of his artistic vision, his works have often aroused strong criticism, in spite of his own claims that he "loves women," for the sometimes-questionable treatment of female characters. In addition to viewing a selection of films by Almodóvar, students will read and discuss the different kinds of texts that have been written about his films (i.e., scholarly journal articles, newspaper reviews and popular opinion) as well as consider more general notions regarding the interpretation of film and the portrayal of women in the arts. Cross-listed with ENG/WS-360.

Course requisites: ENG-110 prereq required (or permission)

SPA-365: Black Literature in Cuba and Puerto Rico (4.00)

This course provides an examination of the Caribbean literary movement of "negrismo." Literary texts and interdisciplinary readings examine the impact of ethnicity on Cuban and Puerto Rican national identities. More contemporary media illustrate the present role of Afro-Caribbean religious traditions, such as Santería.

Course requisites: 323

SPA-380: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Hispanic Literatures & Cultures (4.00)

TOPICS IN HISPANIC THEMES--Examination of selected aspects of the cultures of Spain and/or Latin America through the study of literature, film, mass media, social institutions and movements. May be repeated for credit when the instructor changes. Typically meets with SPA-480. Cross-listed with WS-381 when the topic applies.

Description for "LATIN AMERICAN WOMEN'S WRITING"--A study of Latin American women representing women in literature, theatre and film with a focus on three broad periods:feminist precursors, the feminist "boom" of the 70's-80's, and productions to the present. Cross-listed with WS-381.

Description for "HOW THE VOICELESS SHAPE CULTURE"--Examines the literary and artistic productions of disenfranchised groups across Latin America and mainland U.S.A. who challenge mainstream society and influence the dominant culture that devalues them.

Description for "BETWEEN 'EL DORADO' AND 'LA MADRE PATRIA': TRANS-ATLANTIC MIGRATIONS IN THE HISPANIC WORLD"--Migrations between Spain and Latin America in both directions have been motivated by war, poverty,conflicting ideologies, individual circumstances, and the search for greater personal and professional opportunities. Students will see that a common language does not always simplify cultural social relations between these groups. As a course about these migrations, 100% of the content will address the movement, comparison, or connection of people, information, commodities, ideas, identities, or culture (e.g., arts, religion, language, technology, etc.) across or transcending national borders."

Course requisites: SPA-323

SPA-395: Topics in Spanish (4.00)

TOPICS IN SPANISH--Spanish courses numbered SPA-395-399 represent courses covering a special topic in Spanish that will be taught on a one-time basis or courses cross-listed with Spanish that are offered by other disciplines.

SPA-480: Topics in Hispanic Themes (4.00)

A detailed critical analysis of a specific topic, genre or period in Spanish or Latin American literature and other media. May be repeated for credit when the topic varies.

Course requisites: SPA-323

Requirements for the Spanish Minor

A minor requires completion of 20 credits beyond SPA-202.  At least 12 credits must be from courses taught by department faculty.

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