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Courses & Requirements

Requirements for the Mathematics-Economics Major

The minimum number of credits required to complete the major in mathematics-economics is 50.

All mathematics-economics majors are required to take an exit exam: the Mathematics Major Field Test from the Educational Testing Service.

Required Courses

ECO-104: Introduction to Macroeconomics (4.00)

Macroeconomics examines aggregate aspects of the economy. Topics covered include economic growth, the business cycle, unemployment, inflation, and interest rates. International topics covered include balance of payments and exchange rates.

ECO-105: Introduction to Microeconomics (4.00)

Microeconomics studies how individuals and firms allocate scarce resources via markets. In addition to an introduction to microeconomics, this course examines topics such as monopoly and competition, taxes and government interventions in the economy, and international trade.

ECO-206: Intermediate Microeconomics (4.00)

This course covers intermediate microeconomics, which uses economic and mathematical tools to analyze the actions of individuals and households, firms and industries. The course is based on the market system: how markets work, when and why they fail, and what can be done to make them work better. The course also examines a number of public policies and current economic issues.

Course requisites: ECO-104, ECO-105, and MAT-118

ECO-207: Macroeconomics (4.00)

General model is developed to analyze theories of inflation and unemployment. Evaluation of theoretical bases for different monetary and fiscal policies.

Course requisites: ECO-104 and ECO-105

MAT-118: Calculus I (4.00)

Introduction to the basic concepts of differential and integral calculus, emphasizing conceptual understanding and applications. Topics are covered from a graphical, algebraic and numerical perspective. Mathematical writing is emphasized.

MAT-119: Calculus II (4.00)

Continuation of 118. Topics include the integral and its applications, techniques of integration, improper integrals and an introduction to series and differential equations.

Course requisites: 118 with a minimum grade of C-

MAT-206: Linear Algebra (4.00)

Real and abstract vector spaces, linear transformations, matrices and determinants, with applications to systems of linear equations, geometry and other selected topics.

Course requisites: 119 with a grade of C- or better

MAT-220: Multivariable Calculus (4.00)

MULTIVARIABLE CALCULUS--The geometry of curves and surfaces and the calculus of functions of two or more variables, including partial differentiation, multiple integrals, and vector analysis.

Course requisites: 119 with a minimum grade of C-

MAT-309: Differential Equations (4.00)

First- and second-order differential equations, higher order, linear ordinary differential equations, existence and uniqueness theorems and applications.

Course requisites: 206 or 220 with a grade of C- or better

ECO-338: Econometrics (4.00)

Study of sampling, statistical significance, correlation and regression analysis with emphasis placed on their application to economic problems.

Course requisites: ECO 104, 105, and 1 course in statistics.

Elective Courses

Either Economics 400 or Mathematics 480.

An additional two elective courses in mathematics or economics are required, with at least one in economics.  Business courses (including accounting courses) and ECO-450 (internships) do not count toward the major.

The economics elective courses must be at the 300 level or above, the math elective courses must be at the 200 level or above, and all electives must be approved by advisors to the major in the respective departments.

ECO-400: Senior Seminar in Economics (4.00)

Overview of research methods and analysis of a set of current economic policy issues, with emphasis on the completion of a student-designed research project. Open only to senior majors and minors in economics and in economics and organizational management.

Course requisites: 306, 307, 338 and senior standing

MAT-480: Mathematics Seminar (2.00)

Integrates topics in a variety of areas of undergraduate mathematics and emphasizes problem-solving, writing and speaking skills. Open to seniors with majors in mathematics, mathematics-economics or mathematics-physics and to minors in mathematics or others with permission.

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